Step-by-Step: How to Write a LinkedIn Post

Step-by-Step: How to Write a LinkedIn Post

Step-by-Step: How to Write a LinkedIn Post

Content Creation

Yasmina Akni Ebourki


Last updated: Sep 18, 2024

Starting on LinkedIn has its own set of tricks, and anyone who now has a large social media following or generates high engagement and impressions with their posts started somewhere.

Believe me, if we could see their first posts, they were far from perfect.

Over time, they adjusted their writing, figured out what worked best, and used those strategies more consistently.

The same applies to you. Getting started on LinkedIn has its challenges, but I’ve broken down the process step-by-step to help you go through it with confidence.

TL;DR: Getting started on LinkedIn involves a few key steps:

  1. Go to the homepage and click “Start a post”.

  2. Decide on what you want to write about.

  3. Write your post.

  4. Add 2-3 relevant hashtags to boost visibility.

  5. Proofread your post.

  6. Post it immediately or schedule it for later.

  7. Like and comment on other posts to boost your engagement.

Our guide to writing your first LinkedIn post

Step 1: Navigate to the Post Box

The first thing you need to do when you arrive at your LinkedIn homepage is look for the “Start a post” option at the top of the page.

Then click on it to open the window where you’ll start to write your first post.

Step 2: Choose What You Want to Share

Once you’re ready to write a post, think about what you’d like to share.

There are many types of posts that work really well on LinkedIn, and you can choose from and adapt them to your industry, interests, and the style you want to adopt.

Remember, especially if it’s your first post, you can try by experimenting and adapting your approach as you go. You don’t have to stick to just one style just because you started with it.

Here are some types of posts that always work:

  • Personal Branding Stories: Share experiences that highlight your personal brand and tell inspiring stories.

  • Leadership Insights: Offer advice on what it takes to be a good leader within your industry.

  • Industry Updates: Post news or updates relevant to your field.

Feel free to experiment with different types and see what fits best with your audience.

Step 3: Write Your Post

Once you’ve decided on the type of content you want to share, it’s time to write your post. However, don’t just dive in without a plan.

Start by drafting what you want to include, but remember that people prefer posts that are easy to read and well-organized.

Most successful posts have a captivating first sentence, known as a hook.

Hooks are designed to grab attention and keep people from scrolling past your post.

Here are some examples:

Next, move on to the main content.

Make sure to break it down into digestible sections using bullet points, paragraphs, or line breaks.

Take into account that you should avoid very long paragraphs and keep your language as simple and conversational as possible, as if you’re speaking to a friend.

It can be challenging at first, especially if you’re used to formal writing, but it becomes easier with practice.

And If you’re looking to speed up your writing process and create posts more efficiently, consider using tools like MagicPost.

Created specifically for LinkedIn, it can save you a lot of time and help you generate content quickly.

Step 4: Add Hashtags and Tags

Once your post is ready, add a few relevant hashtags related to your topic.

Hashtags can help improve the visibility of your post by making it more likely to be found.

However, don’t overdo it—include just 2-3 concise hashtags to keep your post clean and concise.

Step 5: Review Your Post

The 5th step is often skipped, but it's crucial.

Proofreading your post might seem time-consuming at first, but it’s essential for avoiding mistakes that can make you look unprofessional.

Additionally, there are tools like LanguageTool that can help you quickly identify grammatical and spelling errors. That way, you make sure that your post well-written and professional.

Step 6: Publish Your Post

You’re almost there! The final step is to publish your content.

You can either post it immediately once it’s ready, or schedule it directly on LinkedIn.

Scheduling posts, isn't something we do when we start on LinkedIn, but trust me, it will help you save you a huge amount of time.

The more you dedicate time to this step in advance, the better.

Take a moment each week or month to schedule your content, and it will become easier to stay on track with your posts.

Step 7: Engage with Your Audience

And finally, once your post is live, it's time to boost its engagement.

Start by liking and commenting on other posts, and interact broadly with your network.

This has a huge impact on your post's reach.

Remember, LinkedIn is a social network, so don’t just post and go away.

Consistent engagement with others is key to making your posts perform better and building a stronger presence.


Starting to create content on LinkedIn is simpler than you might think.

The most important step is to begin, experiment with various formats, and analyze the results to refine your approach.

There's no one-size-fits-all formula for crafting perfect posts.

It’s a matter of testing different strategies and learning from what works best.

Over time, you'll attract an audience interested in your expertise, which could even lead to potential clients.

And if you’re finding it challenging to maintain a consistent posting schedule, consider using tools like MagicPost.

They can speed up the process, allowing you to generate and schedule content more efficiently, so you can focus on engaging with your growing network.

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