LinkedIn Profile Picture: Do’s and Don’ts

LinkedIn Profile Picture: Do’s and Don’ts

LinkedIn Profile Picture: Do’s and Don’ts

Profile Optimization

Yasmina Akni Ebourki


Last updated: Sep 20, 2024

You might think that your LinkedIn profile picture has the same impact as your Tinder photo, and in some way it does.

Because they both focus on making a first good impression and building trust.

If your photo has that visual impact, people will want to connect with you, and if it doesn’t, they’ll move on without giving you a second chance.

For LinkedIn, it’s the same, with the difference being that your photo needs to be more professional. It should reflect trust and expertise while also helping you stand out.

That’s why it’s worth taking a moment to evaluate whether your current photo is doing its job or if it’s time for a change.

Let me walk you through why your profile picture matters and what you should and shouldn’t do when choosing the right one.

TL;DR: An optimized LinkedIn profile picture is crucial for making a strong first impression. Check that your photo is high-quality, features a genuine smile, has a simple background, and is well-lit. Avoid using logos, filters, or group photos.

Why Your LinkedIn Profile Picture Matters

In the professional field, like it or not, making a good impression is crucial.

Today, it’s not just about brand image or product quality—it’s also about personal branding, which reflects who you are, how you present yourself, and the value you bring.

This is even more important if you’re a freelancer, as people are less likely to look at your resume but will definitely check out your LinkedIn posts and profile.

You’ve probably experienced this yourself—someone sends you a message on LinkedIn, but they don’t have a profile picture, and you simply ignore it.

Let’s start with what you need to consider when deciding your LinkedIn profile picture.

Do’s for a LinkedIn Profile Picture

1. Use a High-Quality Image

The first thing is using a high-quality picture.

You can’t just upload the same pixelated photo that’s on your pool membership card. Your LinkedIn photo needs to be clear, professional, and inspire trust.

The best approach is to ask a friend or coworker to take your picture, or use a phone with a high-resolution camera to take a photo meant for your LinkedIn profile.

Also, remember that the focus should be on your face, as it should cover most of the frame.

2. Choose a Simple Background

Choose a simple and neutral background for your profile picture.

This doesn't mean it has to be plain black or white and boring, but the background shouldn’t be drawing more attention than you.

If the background is too cluttered, it can distract from the image, making your picture less clear, which will make you less recognizable.

3. Smile and Look Approachable

And the third, and most important, tip, is to smile.

This isn’t a photo for a visa; it’s a representation of your personality that needs to communicate who you are, whether that’s approachable, fun, serious, or however you want to present yourself.

Smiling makes you appear more friendly and approachable, making it easier for others to connect with you, rather than if your photo comes across as too serious.

Don’ts for a LinkedIn Profile Picture

Now, let’s flip the coin and talk about what you should absolutely avoid.

1. Avoid Group Photos

This mistake was quite common in the early days of LinkedIn, when people treated it like any other social network.

However, posting a photo where you’re on vacation with your family or surrounded by others doesn’t make sense for LinkedIn.

How are people supposed to identify you or know who’s who in the picture?

Save the group photos for Instagram and share more of a picture of yourself, where you feel confident and where we can quickly identify you.

2. No Logos or Filters

Another mistake is using a company logo as your profile picture.

LinkedIn has separate pages for businesses.

As a result, most companies already link their profiles to a CEO or executive who focuses on personal branding.

This approach is more efficient because, once again, if you post something promotional that comes from the owner tends to build far more trust than one coming from a company.

Additionally, LinkedIn gives much more visibility to personal accounts than to business pages. After all, it’s a social network that prioritizes relationships between people.

And of course, once you’ve got the perfect photo to use as your professional profile picture, keep it as natural as possible.

Avoid adding filters—people can easily spot a heavily edited photo, and nothing beats the authenticity of a natural look.

A genuine and unfiltered image will always resonate more with viewers and create a more trustworthy impression.

3. Avoid Overly Cropped Photos

On the other side, using photos that are overly cropped is a bad idea.

While it might seem like a good idea to zoom in and focus solely on your face.

This kind of approach can actually have some negative effects. Due to the fact that it can make your photo look cramped or awkward, it often results in a less professional appearance.

That is why you should aim for a balanced shot where your face is clearly visible, but avoid cutting off parts of your head or shoulders.

4. Don’t Ignore Lighting

Lastly, one of the most crucial factors that truly makes a difference is lighting.

This is a fundamental point for anyone passionate about photography, as they are always seeking that perfect light to brighten their shots.

The same goes for your LinkedIn profile picture—if the light is behind you, your face will be shadowed, which won’t do you any favors.

Natural light tends to be the most flattering, so experiment by rotating the camera around your home to find the best angle.

This will help you figure out how to position yourself to achieve the perfect profile picture.

Effective vs. Ineffective Profile Pictures

With all of these basics, you now have the essentials for a great profile picture.

At the end of the day, these details matter, and they can make a significant difference.

Photo by: Why Good Profile Pictures Matter

A photo that inspires confidence and has a genuine smile will always generate more engagement.

Just look at those who are successful in personal branding; they understand the importance of a well-optimized profile and have spent tons of time in perfecting it.

Remember, if you don’t improve these details as soon as possible, all the effort you put into creating valuable posts might go unnoticed because people won't pick up on you easily.

Lastly, keep in mind that any photo where you look good and are smiling can serve as a good profile picture, especially when you’re just starting on LinkedIn.

You don’t need a big budget for this. Plus, you can always update and modernize your photo as you grow on the platform.

So, be creative, be yourself, and choose a photo that truly represents who you are.

Effective vs. Ineffective Profile Pictures

With all of these basics, you now have the essentials for a great profile picture.

At the end of the day, these details matter, and they can make a significant difference.

Photo by: Why Good Profile Pictures Matter

A photo that inspires confidence and has a genuine smile will always generate more engagement.

Just look at those who are successful in personal branding; they understand the importance of a well-optimized profile and have spent tons of time in perfecting it.

Remember, if you don’t improve these details as soon as possible, all the effort you put into creating valuable posts might go unnoticed because people won't pick up on you easily.

Lastly, keep in mind that any photo where you look good and are smiling can serve as a good profile picture, especially when you’re just starting on LinkedIn.

You don’t need a big budget for this. Plus, you can always update and modernize your photo as you grow on the platform.

So, be creative, be yourself, and choose a photo that truly represents who you are.

Effective vs. Ineffective Profile Pictures

With all of these basics, you now have the essentials for a great profile picture.

At the end of the day, these details matter, and they can make a significant difference.

Photo by: Why Good Profile Pictures Matter

A photo that inspires confidence and has a genuine smile will always generate more engagement.

Just look at those who are successful in personal branding; they understand the importance of a well-optimized profile and have spent tons of time in perfecting it.

Remember, if you don’t improve these details as soon as possible, all the effort you put into creating valuable posts might go unnoticed because people won't pick up on you easily.

Lastly, keep in mind that any photo where you look good and are smiling can serve as a good profile picture, especially when you’re just starting on LinkedIn.

You don’t need a big budget for this. Plus, you can always update and modernize your photo as you grow on the platform.

So, be creative, be yourself, and choose a photo that truly represents who you are.

Effective vs. Ineffective Profile Pictures

With all of these basics, you now have the essentials for a great profile picture.

At the end of the day, these details matter, and they can make a significant difference.

Photo by: Why Good Profile Pictures Matter

A photo that inspires confidence and has a genuine smile will always generate more engagement.

Just look at those who are successful in personal branding; they understand the importance of a well-optimized profile and have spent tons of time in perfecting it.

Remember, if you don’t improve these details as soon as possible, all the effort you put into creating valuable posts might go unnoticed because people won't pick up on you easily.

Lastly, keep in mind that any photo where you look good and are smiling can serve as a good profile picture, especially when you’re just starting on LinkedIn.

You don’t need a big budget for this. Plus, you can always update and modernize your photo as you grow on the platform.

So, be creative, be yourself, and choose a photo that truly represents who you are.

Effective vs. Ineffective Profile Pictures

With all of these basics, you now have the essentials for a great profile picture.

At the end of the day, these details matter, and they can make a significant difference.

Photo by: Why Good Profile Pictures Matter

A photo that inspires confidence and has a genuine smile will always generate more engagement.

Just look at those who are successful in personal branding; they understand the importance of a well-optimized profile and have spent tons of time in perfecting it.

Remember, if you don’t improve these details as soon as possible, all the effort you put into creating valuable posts might go unnoticed because people won't pick up on you easily.

Lastly, keep in mind that any photo where you look good and are smiling can serve as a good profile picture, especially when you’re just starting on LinkedIn.

You don’t need a big budget for this. Plus, you can always update and modernize your photo as you grow on the platform.

So, be creative, be yourself, and choose a photo that truly represents who you are.

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