MagicPost Blog

Leverage the full power of LinkedIn

MagicPost Blog

Leverage the full power of LinkedIn

MagicPost Blog

Leverage the full power of LinkedIn

MagicPost Blog

Leverage the full power of LinkedIn

Posting Best Practices

Best Tools for a LinkedIn Post Preview Generator

Previewing your LinkedIn posts is crucial. Discover the best top tools like LinkedIn preview, Postly or MagicPost that can help you improve your content.

Previewing your LinkedIn posts is crucial. Discover the best top tools like LinkedIn preview, Postly or MagicPost that can help you improve your content.

Previewing your LinkedIn posts is crucial. Discover the best top tools like LinkedIn preview, Postly or MagicPost that can help you improve your content.

Previewing your LinkedIn posts is crucial. Discover the best top tools like LinkedIn preview, Postly or MagicPost that can help you improve your content. more more

Last updated: Sep 6, 2024

Posting Best Practices

LinkedIn Content Creation: How to Grow Your Account

Grow your LinkedIn with strategic content creation! Learn how to define your audience, choose the best content formats, and engage effectively.

Grow your LinkedIn with strategic content creation! Learn how to define your audience, choose the best content formats, and engage effectively.

Grow your LinkedIn with strategic content creation! Learn how to define your audience, choose the best content formats, and engage effectively.

Grow your LinkedIn with strategic content creation! Learn how to define your audience, choose the best content formats, and engage effectively. more more

Last updated: Sep 4, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How Many Connection Requests to Send on LinkedIn?

What are connection requests on LinkedIn, and what are the limits? Learn how to avoid account restrictions, and strategies for building a valuable network

What are connection requests on LinkedIn, and what are the limits? Learn how to avoid account restrictions, and strategies for building a valuable network

What are connection requests on LinkedIn, and what are the limits? Learn how to avoid account restrictions, and strategies for building a valuable network

What are connection requests on LinkedIn, and what are the limits? Learn how to avoid account restrictions, and strategies for building a valuable network more more

Last updated: Sep 2, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to Promote LinkedIn Posts for Optimal Engagement

Heard of in thought leader ads? Learn what they are, how to use them, and how leveraging others' personal posts can boost your company engagement

Heard of in thought leader ads? Learn what they are, how to use them, and how leveraging others' personal posts can boost your company engagement

Heard of in thought leader ads? Learn what they are, how to use them, and how leveraging others' personal posts can boost your company engagement

Heard of in thought leader ads? Learn what they are, how to use them, and how leveraging others' personal posts can boost your company engagement more more

Last updated: Aug 28, 2024

Posting Best Practices

10 Best Posts for LinkedIn to Maximize Your Impact

Maximizing your impact on LinkedIn is all about testing different posts. Save yourself some time and discover the 10 posts that work best on LinkedIn

Maximizing your impact on LinkedIn is all about testing different posts. Save yourself some time and discover the 10 posts that work best on LinkedIn

Maximizing your impact on LinkedIn is all about testing different posts. Save yourself some time and discover the 10 posts that work best on LinkedIn

Maximizing your impact on LinkedIn is all about testing different posts. Save yourself some time and discover the 10 posts that work best on LinkedIn more more

Last updated: Aug 26, 2024

Posting Best Practices

LinkedIn Top Voices: What It Means

LinkedIn Top Voices are celebrated for their thought leadership and industry impact. How this recognition enhances credibility and unlocks opportunities.

LinkedIn Top Voices are celebrated for their thought leadership and industry impact. How this recognition enhances credibility and unlocks opportunities.

LinkedIn Top Voices are celebrated for their thought leadership and industry impact. How this recognition enhances credibility and unlocks opportunities.

LinkedIn Top Voices are celebrated for their thought leadership and industry impact. How this recognition enhances credibility and unlocks opportunities. more more

Last updated: Aug 23, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to Become a LinkedIn Top Voice

What is LinkedIn Top Voice? How to earn this gold and blue badge recognition. Get step-by-step guidance on achieving it and making the most of its advantages.

What is LinkedIn Top Voice? How to earn this gold and blue badge recognition. Get step-by-step guidance on achieving it and making the most of its advantages.

What is LinkedIn Top Voice? How to earn this gold and blue badge recognition. Get step-by-step guidance on achieving it and making the most of its advantages.

What is LinkedIn Top Voice? How to earn this gold and blue badge recognition. Get step-by-step guidance on achieving it and making the most of its advantages. more more

Last updated: Aug 21, 2024

Posting Best Practices

Top 10 Benefits of Using LinkedIn

Explore how LinkedIn boosts your career and business. Discover its unique benefits for networking, lead generation to personal branding.

Explore how LinkedIn boosts your career and business. Discover its unique benefits for networking, lead generation to personal branding.

Explore how LinkedIn boosts your career and business. Discover its unique benefits for networking, lead generation to personal branding.

Explore how LinkedIn boosts your career and business. Discover its unique benefits for networking, lead generation to personal branding. more more

Last updated: Aug 19, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to Start on LinkedIn Without Making Weird Posts

Avoid cringe-worthy posts and embrace a genuine, value-driven approach to stand out on LinkedIn. Building a professional brand and creating valuable content.

Avoid cringe-worthy posts and embrace a genuine, value-driven approach to stand out on LinkedIn. Building a professional brand and creating valuable content.

Avoid cringe-worthy posts and embrace a genuine, value-driven approach to stand out on LinkedIn. Building a professional brand and creating valuable content.

Avoid cringe-worthy posts and embrace a genuine, value-driven approach to stand out on LinkedIn. Building a professional brand and creating valuable content. more more

Last updated: Aug 15, 2024

Posting Best Practices

Top LinkedIn Post Ideas to Grow Your Business

Wondering how LinkedIn can elevate your business? See how LinkedIn can drive growth and enhance your brand through posts on your company and founder profiles

Wondering how LinkedIn can elevate your business? See how LinkedIn can drive growth and enhance your brand through posts on your company and founder profiles

Wondering how LinkedIn can elevate your business? See how LinkedIn can drive growth and enhance your brand through posts on your company and founder profiles

Wondering how LinkedIn can elevate your business? See how LinkedIn can drive growth and enhance your brand through posts on your company and founder profiles more more

Last updated: Aug 14, 2024

Posting Best Practices

What to Post on LinkedIn to Get Noticed

To craft engaging posts that boost visibility, build credibility, and attract your target audience, try inspirational and expert content. Find out how.

To craft engaging posts that boost visibility, build credibility, and attract your target audience, try inspirational and expert content. Find out how.

To craft engaging posts that boost visibility, build credibility, and attract your target audience, try inspirational and expert content. Find out how.

To craft engaging posts that boost visibility, build credibility, and attract your target audience, try inspirational and expert content. Find out how. more more

Last updated: Aug 12, 2024

Posting Best Practices

Top 10 LinkedIn Automation Tools for 2024

The top 10 LinkedIn automation tools for LinkedIn that can transform your strategy. From prospects pods to presentations, these tools will save you time.

The top 10 LinkedIn automation tools for LinkedIn that can transform your strategy. From prospects pods to presentations, these tools will save you time.

The top 10 LinkedIn automation tools for LinkedIn that can transform your strategy. From prospects pods to presentations, these tools will save you time.

The top 10 LinkedIn automation tools for LinkedIn that can transform your strategy. From prospects pods to presentations, these tools will save you time. more more

Last updated: Aug 9, 2024

Posting Best Practices

Effective LinkedIn Selling Post Examples

Need to write a selling post but don’t know where to start? I’ll show you examples of the most effective selling posts so you can adapt them to your needs.

Need to write a selling post but don’t know where to start? I’ll show you examples of the most effective selling posts so you can adapt them to your needs.

Need to write a selling post but don’t know where to start? I’ll show you examples of the most effective selling posts so you can adapt them to your needs.

Need to write a selling post but don’t know where to start? I’ll show you examples of the most effective selling posts so you can adapt them to your needs. more more

Last updated: Aug 7, 2024

Posting Best Practices

7 Essential Tips for LinkedIn Posts

Want to create engaging LinkedIn posts? From eye-catching hooks to visual content and storytelling, discover how to best connect with your audience.

Want to create engaging LinkedIn posts? From eye-catching hooks to visual content and storytelling, discover how to best connect with your audience.

Want to create engaging LinkedIn posts? From eye-catching hooks to visual content and storytelling, discover how to best connect with your audience.

Want to create engaging LinkedIn posts? From eye-catching hooks to visual content and storytelling, discover how to best connect with your audience. more more

Last updated: Aug 5, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to Effectively Tag Someone in a LinkedIn Post: 5-Step Guide

Tagging with a simple @ in your LinkedIn post can increase your visibility and engagement when done right. But there are a few best practices to follow.

Tagging with a simple @ in your LinkedIn post can increase your visibility and engagement when done right. But there are a few best practices to follow.

Tagging with a simple @ in your LinkedIn post can increase your visibility and engagement when done right. But there are a few best practices to follow.

Tagging with a simple @ in your LinkedIn post can increase your visibility and engagement when done right. But there are a few best practices to follow. more more

Last updated: Jul 26, 2024

Posting Best Practices

LinkedIn Content Ideas for Founders: Personal Brands

Unlock free post templates and the power of LinkedIn with our ultimate guide for founders! Storytelling, selling, and value-driven ideas to create content.

Unlock free post templates and the power of LinkedIn with our ultimate guide for founders! Storytelling, selling, and value-driven ideas to create content.

Unlock free post templates and the power of LinkedIn with our ultimate guide for founders! Storytelling, selling, and value-driven ideas to create content.

Unlock free post templates and the power of LinkedIn with our ultimate guide for founders! Storytelling, selling, and value-driven ideas to create content. more more

Last updated: Jul 24, 2024

Posting Best Practices

What are Post Impressions on LinkedIn

LinkedIn impressions count every time your post appears on someone's feed. But impressions shouldn’t be the sole focus of your LinkedIn strategy. Here’s why..

LinkedIn impressions count every time your post appears on someone's feed. But impressions shouldn’t be the sole focus of your LinkedIn strategy. Here’s why..

LinkedIn impressions count every time your post appears on someone's feed. But impressions shouldn’t be the sole focus of your LinkedIn strategy. Here’s why..

LinkedIn impressions count every time your post appears on someone's feed. But impressions shouldn’t be the sole focus of your LinkedIn strategy. Here’s why.. more more

Last updated: Jul 23, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to Edit a Post on LinkedIn in 1 Minute

Editing is simple: go to the post you want to edit, click on the three dots in the top right corner, click “Edit”, and then make the changes you want.

Editing is simple: go to the post you want to edit, click on the three dots in the top right corner, click “Edit”, and then make the changes you want.

Editing is simple: go to the post you want to edit, click on the three dots in the top right corner, click “Edit”, and then make the changes you want.

Editing is simple: go to the post you want to edit, click on the three dots in the top right corner, click “Edit”, and then make the changes you want. more more

Last updated: Jul 18, 2024

Posting Best Practices

Successfully Repost on LinkedIn: A Step-by-Step Guide to Boost Engagement

It’s simple: navigate to the desired post, click the share button, and choose "Repost with comment" or "Repost" depending on your needs.

It’s simple: navigate to the desired post, click the share button, and choose "Repost with comment" or "Repost" depending on your needs.

It’s simple: navigate to the desired post, click the share button, and choose "Repost with comment" or "Repost" depending on your needs.

It’s simple: navigate to the desired post, click the share button, and choose "Repost with comment" or "Repost" depending on your needs. more more

Last updated: Jul 16, 2024

Posting Best Practices

Top 5 Types of Posts for LinkedIn Success

Gain visibility on LinkedIn with these 5 post types: Client Success Stories, Industry Stats, Personal Stories, Thought Leader Quotes, Resource Lists.

Gain visibility on LinkedIn with these 5 post types: Client Success Stories, Industry Stats, Personal Stories, Thought Leader Quotes, Resource Lists.

Gain visibility on LinkedIn with these 5 post types: Client Success Stories, Industry Stats, Personal Stories, Thought Leader Quotes, Resource Lists.

Gain visibility on LinkedIn with these 5 post types: Client Success Stories, Industry Stats, Personal Stories, Thought Leader Quotes, Resource Lists. more more

Last updated: Jul 12, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How Do I See My Posts on LinkedIn: Easy Steps for Beginners

LinkedIn can feel like a labyrinth at times. Here’s a handy guide to finding your posts: Log in to LinkedIn, go to your profile, and scroll to the…

LinkedIn can feel like a labyrinth at times. Here’s a handy guide to finding your posts: Log in to LinkedIn, go to your profile, and scroll to the…

LinkedIn can feel like a labyrinth at times. Here’s a handy guide to finding your posts: Log in to LinkedIn, go to your profile, and scroll to the…

LinkedIn can feel like a labyrinth at times. Here’s a handy guide to finding your posts: Log in to LinkedIn, go to your profile, and scroll to the… more more

Last updated: Jul 8, 2024

Posting Best Practices

The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Post Best Practices for Solopreneurs

Use diverse content, maintain a consistent posting schedule, provide value, post at optimal times, engage with comments, and network.

Use diverse content, maintain a consistent posting schedule, provide value, post at optimal times, engage with comments, and network.

Use diverse content, maintain a consistent posting schedule, provide value, post at optimal times, engage with comments, and network.

Use diverse content, maintain a consistent posting schedule, provide value, post at optimal times, engage with comments, and network. more more

Last updated: Jul 3, 2024

Posting Best Practices

Content Ideas for LinkedIn to Drive Entrepreneurial Growth

Be sure to properly understand your audience. Post regularly and share diverse content like industry insights, case studies, and personal stories.

Be sure to properly understand your audience. Post regularly and share diverse content like industry insights, case studies, and personal stories.

Be sure to properly understand your audience. Post regularly and share diverse content like industry insights, case studies, and personal stories.

Be sure to properly understand your audience. Post regularly and share diverse content like industry insights, case studies, and personal stories. more more

Last updated: Jul 1, 2024

Posting Best Practices

LinkedIn Post Analytics: Step-by-Step Guide to Better Engagement

Find the power of LinkedIn Post Analytics with our step-by-step guide to boost engagement and refine your content strategy.

Find the power of LinkedIn Post Analytics with our step-by-step guide to boost engagement and refine your content strategy.

Find the power of LinkedIn Post Analytics with our step-by-step guide to boost engagement and refine your content strategy.

Find the power of LinkedIn Post Analytics with our step-by-step guide to boost engagement and refine your content strategy. more more

Last updated: Jun 28, 2024

Posting Best Practices

Best Content for LinkedIn: Analyzing Viral Success

Strategies behind viral LinkedIn posts from top influencers like Mita Mallick. Learn how storytelling, simplified topics, and engaging.

Strategies behind viral LinkedIn posts from top influencers like Mita Mallick. Learn how storytelling, simplified topics, and engaging.

Strategies behind viral LinkedIn posts from top influencers like Mita Mallick. Learn how storytelling, simplified topics, and engaging.

Strategies behind viral LinkedIn posts from top influencers like Mita Mallick. Learn how storytelling, simplified topics, and engaging. more more

Last updated: Jun 22, 2024

Posting Best Practices

What Should I Post on LinkedIn?

From industry insights to personal stories, and build your professional brand with our expert tips for maximizing your impact on LinkedIn.

From industry insights to personal stories, and build your professional brand with our expert tips for maximizing your impact on LinkedIn.

From industry insights to personal stories, and build your professional brand with our expert tips for maximizing your impact on LinkedIn.

From industry insights to personal stories, and build your professional brand with our expert tips for maximizing your impact on LinkedIn. more more

Last updated: May 17, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to schedule a post on LinkedIn

Learn how to schedule a LinkedIn post in just 3 easy steps and discover best practices for effective posting

Learn how to schedule a LinkedIn post in just 3 easy steps and discover best practices for effective posting

Learn how to schedule a LinkedIn post in just 3 easy steps and discover best practices for effective posting

Learn how to schedule a LinkedIn post in just 3 easy steps and discover best practices for effective posting more more

Last updated: Jun 12, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to Create LinkedIn Carousel Posts

The top best practices to create and post your carousel on LinkedIn. In order to level up your presence, use our to-do list for your carousel on LinkedIn.

The top best practices to create and post your carousel on LinkedIn. In order to level up your presence, use our to-do list for your carousel on LinkedIn.

The top best practices to create and post your carousel on LinkedIn. In order to level up your presence, use our to-do list for your carousel on LinkedIn.

The top best practices to create and post your carousel on LinkedIn. In order to level up your presence, use our to-do list for your carousel on LinkedIn. more more

Last updated: Jun 11, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to Post a PDF on LinkedIn

Discover the top best practices to post your PDF on LinkedIn. In order to level up your presence, use our to-do list for your LinkedIn PDF.

Discover the top best practices to post your PDF on LinkedIn. In order to level up your presence, use our to-do list for your LinkedIn PDF.

Discover the top best practices to post your PDF on LinkedIn. In order to level up your presence, use our to-do list for your LinkedIn PDF.

Discover the top best practices to post your PDF on LinkedIn. In order to level up your presence, use our to-do list for your LinkedIn PDF. more more

Last updated: May 6, 2024

Posting Best Practices

5 Best LinkedIn Post Templates

5 LinkedIn post templates: narrative, listicle, personal reflection, rant, and analysis. Step-by-step guides to create engaging posts and boost visibility.

5 LinkedIn post templates: narrative, listicle, personal reflection, rant, and analysis. Step-by-step guides to create engaging posts and boost visibility.

5 LinkedIn post templates: narrative, listicle, personal reflection, rant, and analysis. Step-by-step guides to create engaging posts and boost visibility.

5 LinkedIn post templates: narrative, listicle, personal reflection, rant, and analysis. Step-by-step guides to create engaging posts and boost visibility. more more

Last updated: Jun 3, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to post GIFs on LinkedIn

Boost LinkedIn engagement with GIFs. Learn how to find, create, and use GIFs to enhance your posts and connect with your audience.

Boost LinkedIn engagement with GIFs. Learn how to find, create, and use GIFs to enhance your posts and connect with your audience.

Boost LinkedIn engagement with GIFs. Learn how to find, create, and use GIFs to enhance your posts and connect with your audience.

Boost LinkedIn engagement with GIFs. Learn how to find, create, and use GIFs to enhance your posts and connect with your audience. more more

Last updated: May 31, 2024

Posting Best Practices

Funny LinkedIn posts: be fun, not weird

Add humor to your LinkedIn content to boost engagement, capture attention, and spark conversations. It makes your brand stand.

Add humor to your LinkedIn content to boost engagement, capture attention, and spark conversations. It makes your brand stand.

Add humor to your LinkedIn content to boost engagement, capture attention, and spark conversations. It makes your brand stand.

Add humor to your LinkedIn content to boost engagement, capture attention, and spark conversations. It makes your brand stand. more more

Last updated: May 28, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to bold text in LinkedIn posts

Learn how to bold text in LinkedIn posts to make your content stand out. Improve readability and grab attention with our easy formatting tips.

Learn how to bold text in LinkedIn posts to make your content stand out. Improve readability and grab attention with our easy formatting tips.

Learn how to bold text in LinkedIn posts to make your content stand out. Improve readability and grab attention with our easy formatting tips.

Learn how to bold text in LinkedIn posts to make your content stand out. Improve readability and grab attention with our easy formatting tips. more more

Last updated: May 20, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to find saved LinkedIn posts

Learn how to quickly find and manage your saved LinkedIn posts with our simple guide. Keep track of all your favorite content and ideas on LinkedIn.

Learn how to quickly find and manage your saved LinkedIn posts with our simple guide. Keep track of all your favorite content and ideas on LinkedIn.

Learn how to quickly find and manage your saved LinkedIn posts with our simple guide. Keep track of all your favorite content and ideas on LinkedIn.

Learn how to quickly find and manage your saved LinkedIn posts with our simple guide. Keep track of all your favorite content and ideas on LinkedIn. more more

Last updated: May 17, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How often should you post on LinkedIn

Learn optimal LinkedIn posting frequency, best times to post, content strategy tips, engagement metrics, and how to use scheduling tools for maximum impact.

Learn optimal LinkedIn posting frequency, best times to post, content strategy tips, engagement metrics, and how to use scheduling tools for maximum impact.

Learn optimal LinkedIn posting frequency, best times to post, content strategy tips, engagement metrics, and how to use scheduling tools for maximum impact.

Learn optimal LinkedIn posting frequency, best times to post, content strategy tips, engagement metrics, and how to use scheduling tools for maximum impact. more more

Last updated: May 14, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How to See my LinkedIn Posts

Find and manage your LinkedIn posts. Save inspiring publications from content creators. And easily discover expert content on the platform.

Find and manage your LinkedIn posts. Save inspiring publications from content creators. And easily discover expert content on the platform.

Find and manage your LinkedIn posts. Save inspiring publications from content creators. And easily discover expert content on the platform.

Find and manage your LinkedIn posts. Save inspiring publications from content creators. And easily discover expert content on the platform. more more

Last updated: May 1, 2024

Posting Best Practices

What to Post on LinkedIn

Boost your LinkedIn impact with our expert guide. Explore powerful posting strategies and content types to effectively engage your network.

Boost your LinkedIn impact with our expert guide. Explore powerful posting strategies and content types to effectively engage your network.

Boost your LinkedIn impact with our expert guide. Explore powerful posting strategies and content types to effectively engage your network.

Boost your LinkedIn impact with our expert guide. Explore powerful posting strategies and content types to effectively engage your network. more more

Last updated: Apr 25, 2024

Posting Best Practices

How Long Should a LinkedIn Post be?

Explore the nuances of LinkedIn post lengths—from technical deep-dives to quick insights. Learn how to optimize your posts for maximum engagement on LinkedIn.

Explore the nuances of LinkedIn post lengths—from technical deep-dives to quick insights. Learn how to optimize your posts for maximum engagement on LinkedIn.

Explore the nuances of LinkedIn post lengths—from technical deep-dives to quick insights. Learn how to optimize your posts for maximum engagement on LinkedIn.

Explore the nuances of LinkedIn post lengths—from technical deep-dives to quick insights. Learn how to optimize your posts for maximum engagement on LinkedIn. more more

Last updated: Apr 23, 2024

Posting Best Practices

The Best Time to Post on LinkedIn for Maximized Engagement

Explore effective strategies for posting on LinkedIn with our guide on optimal times for maximum engagement. Learn how to enhance your LinkedIn activity.

Explore effective strategies for posting on LinkedIn with our guide on optimal times for maximum engagement. Learn how to enhance your LinkedIn activity.

Explore effective strategies for posting on LinkedIn with our guide on optimal times for maximum engagement. Learn how to enhance your LinkedIn activity.

Explore effective strategies for posting on LinkedIn with our guide on optimal times for maximum engagement. Learn how to enhance your LinkedIn activity. more more

Last updated: Feb 1, 2024